Process of Follow-up for Tests
All of our General Medical Practice systems are computerised, which means that when the GP requests an X-ray or a pathology test for you “Best Practice” medical software is used to generate the request/referral. The X-ray or Pathology company sends the results electronically into Best Practice where the result goes into the GP mail inbox for checking and then into your medical file.
If you require a further follow-up appointment, the GP or the Receptionist will contact you by telephone. If we are unable to contact you by telephone we will send you a letter. If your result is normal and you are a regular visitor and have regular blood tests we will discuss your results at the next appointment. If you are worried about the result of a test then please contact us by telephone or email.
This practice provides a full range of Childcare and Adult immunisations as per the NSW Health Immunisation Schedule We are able to view a child’s records on the AXIR and check/update the details store there.
Travel Vaccinations and the yearly Flu vaccines are kept onsite and are available for a fee or for free depending on your circumstances. Pneumococcal vaccines are also stored.
Teenagers are able to have the high school Vaccinations they are due at our practice if the HPV, Boostrix, Hep B or Chickenpox vaccinations are missed by girls/boys at school or they would prefer the GP to administer these in private.