Your Rights
This practice complies fully with the Privacy Act which ensures full confidentiality of your medical and personal information. Further information is available in our waiting room or ask reception staff for details. If you have a problem we would like to hear about it. Please feel free to talk to your Doctor, the receptionist or the Practice Manager. You may prefer to write to us or use our suggestion box located in the waiting room. We take your concerns, suggestions and complaints seriously.
Information about the use of the NSW Health Complaints Commission to make a formal complaint is available within the practice, and by phone on 1800 043 159.
We are fully compliant with Occupational Health and Safety Legislation.
Reminder Systems
Our practice is committed to preventitive care. We may issue you with a reminder notice from time to time offering you preventative health services appropiate to your care. If you do not wish to participate then just let us know.
You may also receive reminders from the NSW State Health Department for preventative health activities. For example for women there is the NSW Pap Register.
Cultural Recognition
If you are of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or other cultural heritage we would appreciate if you could let us know. By knowing all the information about your background we can strive to better address your medical needs, including appropriate preventative health checks.
If English is not your first language and you would like to have an Interpreter present during your medical consultation please let the receptionist know at the time of making the appointment and we will organise this service for you (free of charge).